Sarah Gilbert

Teaching Artist Statement
Yoga is a way of life for me. It is a practice that occurs on and off the mat that connects the mind, body, breath and spirit both consciously and unconsciously. My passion is meeting my clients exactly where they are and helping them feel calm and connected to themselves through the practice of chanting, breathing exercises, gentle movement and stretching and deep relaxation. Yoga is for every body; any age, any ability. Building a way of life feeling grounded and peaceful is critical, so that when life gets anxious and stressful, there is a natural way to cope while feeling safe and empowered.

My daughter was born in 2006 into a body that has Down syndrome. She has been practicing Yoga for the Special Child® with her teacher, in a one-to-one setting, once a week for the last since 2011. The consistency and dedication to her Yoga practice has had a profound impact on her body, mindset and ability to cope when life gets hard. It is truly inspiring. I became certified to teach Yoga for the Special Child® in 2015 and have been teaching people of all ages and abilities ever since. It’s such an honor to be able to serve and teach my clients and their families how Yoga can bring them peace and connection. Yoga is for every body; any age, any ability.

Teaching Bio
Sarah Gilbert is a licensed Yoga for the Special Child® practitioner Level 1 and 2, and is a 200-hour yogaspirit® registered yoga teacher. She has taught yoga in public schools throughout the South Shore of Massachusetts, private one-to-one classes, small group classes and everything in between. Sarah’s journey of deepening her own Yoga practice is an ongoing pilgrimage - one she will be forever exploring. She earned a B.A. in Business Management with a minor in marketing from Hartwick College. After college, Sarah went on to become a Marketing Manager at a commercial real estate firm in Boston where she was employed for 8 years before having children.

Sarah spends a great deal of time advocating for and supporting those with Intellectual Disabilities so that this population can be afforded every equal opportunity for inclusion and success. She joined South Shore Conservatory’s Creative Arts Therapies Department in 2016. For more information you can email Sarah at