An immersive summer fellowship program for collegiate music education majors
Weekdays, July 10 - 25, 2025
The SMF Teaching Academy is a one-of-a-kind hybrid fellowship-internship program for collegiate instrumental music education majors. Utilizing South Shore Conservatory’s rich infrastructure and Summer Music Festival’s dedicated team of artist-educators and breadth of programming, this highly selective program will enable a small group of fellows to engage in:
- Supervised teaching of chamber music, sectional rehearsals, and large ensembles
- Group and individual teaching review sessions
- Daily reflection and growth meetings
- Teaching & leadership development sessions
- Related skill development (marketing, development, arts administration, etc.)
Sample Daily Schedule
The Teaching Academy runs weekdays from July 10–25, 2025. Fellows should be available from 8 am to 2:45 pm each day. There are no required commitments on weekends or evenings, other than final concerts on Friday, July 18 at 4 pm, Thursday, July 24, and Friday, July 25 at 7 pm. Each day's schedule will vary and will be tailored to the needs and goals of each intern.
- 8:00-8:30- Morning Meeting
- 8:30-9:30- Rehearsal Observations & Sit-ins
- 9:45-10:30- Leadership and Teaching Development
- 10:30-11- Individual Projects
- 11-12- Supervised Teaching
- 12-12:45- Lunch interviews with SMF faculty
- 12:45-1:30- teaching & sit-ins with afternoon sessions.
Individual Video Review Sessions - 1:30-2:30- Related skill development (marketing, development, communications, arts administration, conducting, et. al.)
- 2:30-2:45- Closing meeting
In addition to working closely with Aaron Bush and Eric Laprade, interns will have the opportunity to interact with the 15-member SMF faculty and select staff members at South Shore Conservatory.

Dr. Eric Laprade, Director of Bands, The College of New Jersey Music Director, Summer Music Festival

Aaron W. Bush, Teaching Academy and Festival Jazz
The SMF Teaching Academy is designed for collegiate instrumental music education majors who have completed at least their sophomore year of coursework. Recent graduates and current graduate students encouraged to apply. Interested candidates who do not meet the stated eligibility requirements are still encouraged to apply though preference will be given to those who meet the stated criteria.
- Interns receive a FULL tuition scholarship and $500 honorarium for the mentorship component of the program and are encouraged to pursue additional funding and internship support from their institution.
- SSC is able to assist with providing free housing for those fellows who are traveling from outside the region.
- To maximize their experience, it is recommended that all interns have their own source of transportation during the program. If this is a concern, please contact Eric Laprade at
- March 15, 2025: Application Deadline
- April 15, 2025: Acceptance Notifications sent
- May 1, 2025: Registration Deadline
- July 10–25, 2025: SMF Teaching Academy 2025
The following materials are required:
- An online application (below)
- A cover letter
Submit a 1-2 page cover letter that highlights why you are interested in the SMF Teaching Academy, your teaching and performing experience, an aspect of your teaching you hope to develop during the Teaching Academy, and how participation in the Teaching Academy will support your long-term career goals. - A current resume
Please be certain to include current contact information, education history, teaching experience, performance experience, honors and awards, primary teachers, and relevant experiences. - A Statement of Teaching Philosophy
- One letter of recommendation that speak to your musical, teaching, and leadership experience and potential.
- A select number of applicants may be asked to complete a short Zoom interview.
- Your recommender should email their letter directly to by March 15, 2025.
To apply:
- Complete the online application by clicking the button below
- Send an email to that includes .pdf attachments of your cover letter, resume, and teaching philosophy.
a. Include [SMF Teaching Academy Application / (Your Last name)] as the email subject. (e.g. SMF Teaching Academy Application/Laprade)
b. Attach documents as separate .pdf files. Please name the files using the following method: [Document Name]-[Last Name].pdf (e.g. Cover Letter-Laprade.pdf)- Cover Letter
- Resume
- Statement of Teaching Philosophy
Note: The Eastman School of Music's Institute for Music Leadership provides excellent free resources to assist with developing application materials.
- For general program inquiries: Eric Laprade: Managing Director & Artistic Partner: