Always a lover of art, preschool teacher Ellen Larkin attended The New England School of Art and Design for graphic design, and worked as a graphic designer in marketing, advertising, media, and education. In 2001, when she and her husband became parents to their first of three children, Ellen decided to switch to freelance design work in order to be home with her children, while continuing to express her artistic side. As her children grew, Ellen worked as a substitute teacher and paraprofessional at all public elementary schools in Hingham. With two children attending South Shore Conservatory for preschool and kindergarten, and a third in private piano and voice lessons at SSC, Ellen made connections and persisting love for SSC. In 2013, Ellen began to work part-time, helping out in SSC’s classrooms. In 2019, she went back to school to receive her EEC Certification, and became a full-time faculty member.