Welcome to SSC Creative Arts Therapies (CAT) Department. Our highly qualified therapists and specialists use the arts and creative processes to help individuals maximize their abilities and improve health and wellness.
Music Therapy and Dance Therapy are both offered as part of our CAT Department here at SSC. Professional Development rounds out our array of services, with offerings that include Access and Accommodation, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Social/Emotional Learning through Music, and more.
All our programs are designed to maximize independence and are provided in the least restrictive environment. We welcome all levels of ability and all ages. While some of our programming may be specific to certain needs, we strive to integrate all our groups and classes.
Our staff is highly trained and maintain board certification and continuing education in their specific disciplines. Please contact SSC if you have any questions or would like more information on any of our CAT offerings.
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CAT Department Offerings
CAT in the NEWS
South Shore Conservatory receives grant from Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism
MASS NONPROFIT NEWS - January 9, 2025
South Shore Conservatory (SSC) has announces it is a recipient of an Autism Community Impact Grant of $7,500 from the Doug Flutie, Jr. Foundation for Autism. These necessary funds allow SSC to offer more Creative Arts Therapies programming for individuals living with autism, allowing them to engage in arts activities outside their homes.
The Autism Community Impact Grant is awarded through an application process and supports traditionally underserved, underfunded, culturally diverse communities reflected in the Flutie Foundation's areas of impact.
South Shore Conservatory strives to be the leader in inclusive and accessible arts education on the South Shore. These funds help remove financial barriers which may stop individuals from participation. SSC music therapists have found that making music together builds social capital and allows participants to become part of a real community. It also gives them tools to express themselves in a healthy way and boost confidence outside of a studio or classroom.
Video Recources
SSC Community Voices Holiday Concert 2020
“Stand By Me” presented by SSC’s Creative Arts Therapies Team

Margaret O’Connor, PhD Associate Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School